Slippery Rock at Limestone
@ Gaffney, S.C. (Saints Field )
3/8/2025 at 12:00 PM

Slippery Rock
Slippery Rock (4-0) 2 1 4 2 1 10
Limestone (5-3) 2 2 3 2 0 9
Period: 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | OT
Time Play
15:00 Lily Ventresca at goalie for ROCK.
15:00 Emma McCoy at goalie for LIMESTON.
Draw control by LIMESTON Reese Hjertaas.
14:07 Shot by LIMESTON Keira Martin WIDE {shot from close right wing}.
Foul on ROCK Nicole Masi.
13:15 Shot by LIMESTON Erin Young, SAVE Lily Ventresca {shot from in the circle}.
13:07 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Hailey Ohlsen.
13:02 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
12:17 Turnover by ROCK Ava Dossier.
12:13 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Emma McCoy.
12:08 Clear attempt by LIMESTON failed.
12:06 Turnover by LIMESTON Emma McCoy.
11:19 GOAL by ROCK Eryn Little (FIRST GOAL) {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Ava Dossier.
Score: Slippery Rock 1 - Limestone 0
Draw control by ROCK Leora Owings.
Foul on LIMESTON Keira Martin.
10:11 GOAL by ROCK Eryn Little (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.
Score: Slippery Rock 2 - Limestone 0
Draw control by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones.
Foul on ROCK Nicole Masi.
09:15 Turnover by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones (caused by Nicole Masi).
09:12 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Leora Owings.
09:08 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
08:22 Turnover by ROCK Grace Rotter (caused by Brooke Surace).
08:22 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Brooke Surace.
08:21 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
Foul on ROCK Paige Jenkins.
07:46 GOAL by LIMESTON Sophie Shortino (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.
Score: Slippery Rock 2 - Limestone 1
Draw control by LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
07:10 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
06:43 GOAL by LIMESTON Leah Rycroft {shot from close right wing}, Assist by Sophie Shortino.
Score: Slippery Rock 2 - Limestone 2
Draw control by LIMESTON Keira Martin.
Foul on LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
06:13 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
05:28 Shot by ROCK Ava Dossier HIGH {shot from in the circle}.
05:13 Turnover by ROCK Erin Melcher (caused by Brooke Surace).
05:08 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Emma McCoy.
05:05 Clear attempt by LIMESTON failed.
04:59 Turnover by LIMESTON Emma Bravo.
04:52 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
Foul on LIMESTON Brooke Surace.
03:09 Turnover by ROCK.
03:09 Shot clock violation by ROCK.
03:08 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
Foul on ROCK Victoria Ziemba.
01:35 Shot by LIMESTON Shannon Creagh WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
01:30 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones.
01:27 Shot by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones, SAVE Lily Ventresca {shot from close left wing}.
00:50 Turnover by LIMESTON Sophie Shortino (caused by Victoria Ziemba).
00:39 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Paige Jenkins.
00:37 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
Foul on LIMESTON Brooke Surace.
00:30 Shot by ROCK Ava Dossier BLOCKED {free position shot}.
Foul on ROCK Ava Dossier.
00:00 End-of-period.
Time Play
Draw control by ROCK Paige Jenkins.
Green card on LIMESTON Shannon Creagh.
14:38 Turnover by ROCK Reagan Richeson.
14:34 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
Foul on ROCK Grace Rotter.
13:23 Turnover by LIMESTON Reese Hjertaas (caused by Eryn Little).
13:12 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Amelia Nitsche.
13:05 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
Foul on ROCK Krysta Frankowski.
12:22 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
11:33 Turnover by LIMESTON Keira Martin (caused by Nicole Masi).
11:27 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Nicole Masi.
11:22 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
Foul on LIMESTON Brooke Surace.
10:34 Shot by ROCK Grace Rotter, SAVE Emma McCoy {free position shot}.
10:26 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Emma McCoy.
10:22 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
09:24 Turnover by LIMESTON Samantha Sobolewski (caused by Paige Jenkins).
09:24 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
Foul on LIMESTON Brooke Surace.
07:55 GOAL by ROCK Sydney Ulmer {shot from far left wing}, Assist by Ella Koslowski.
Score: Slippery Rock 3 - Limestone 2
Draw control by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones.
Foul on ROCK Sydney Ulmer.
Foul on ROCK Nicole Masi.
06:50 Shot by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones WIDE {free position shot}.
06:34 Shot by LIMESTON Keira Martin, SAVE Lily Ventresca {shot from in the circle}.
06:29 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Paige Jenkins.
06:26 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
Foul on LIMESTON Micaiah Parks.
06:06 Shot by ROCK Maddie Blazey, SAVE Emma McCoy {free position shot}.
06:06 Clear attempt by LIMESTON failed.
06:06 Turnover by LIMESTON Emma McCoy.
06:06 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Sydney Ulmer.
06:00 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
05:28 Timeout by LIMESTON.
Foul on ROCK Amelia Nitsche.
04:29 GOAL by LIMESTON Reese Hjertaas {shot from top of circle}.
Score: Slippery Rock 3 - Limestone 3
Draw control by ROCK Shannon Von Kaenel.
02:52 Turnover by ROCK.
02:47 Shot clock violation by ROCK.
02:43 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
Yellow card on ROCK Amelia Nitsche.
01:37 Free position attempt for LIMESTON.
Foul on ROCK Hailey Ohlsen.
00:45 GOAL by LIMESTON Joscelin Martin (MAN-UP) (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.
Score: Slippery Rock 3 - Limestone 4
Draw control by LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
Green card on ROCK Shannon Von Kaenel.
00:00 End-of-period.
Time Play
15:00 GOAL by LIMESTON Keira Martin (MAN-UP) {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Deirdre Jones.
Score: Slippery Rock 3 - Limestone 5
Draw control by ROCK Paige Jenkins.
13:17 GOAL by ROCK Grace Rotter {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Reagan Richeson.
Score: Slippery Rock 4 - Limestone 5
Draw control by ROCK Paige Jenkins.
Foul on LIMESTON Regan Briese.
12:46 Free position attempt for ROCK.
12:46 Turnover by ROCK Leora Owings (caused by Evelynn Vissari).
12:46 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Micaiah Parks.
12:46 Clear attempt by LIMESTON failed.
12:46 Turnover by LIMESTON Sophie Shortino (caused by Leora Owings).
12:09 GOAL by ROCK Krysta Frankowski {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Leora Owings.
Score: Slippery Rock 5 - Limestone 5
Draw control by ROCK Paige Jenkins.
Green card on LIMESTON Erin Young.
11:38 GOAL by ROCK Reagan Richeson (MAN-UP) {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Ava Dossier.
Score: Slippery Rock 6 - Limestone 5
Draw control by LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
09:58 Shot by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones BLOCKED {shot from in the circle}.
09:50 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Lily Ventresca.
09:47 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
Foul on LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
09:05 Free position attempt for ROCK.
09:05 Turnover by ROCK Ava Dossier (caused by Micaiah Parks).
09:05 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Micaiah Parks.
08:39 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
Foul on ROCK Nicole Masi.
07:51 Shot by LIMESTON Keira Martin, SAVE Lily Ventresca {free position shot}.
07:51 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Hailey Ohlsen.
Foul on LIMESTON Shannon Creagh.
07:50 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
07:17 Shot by ROCK Grace Rotter WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
06:59 GOAL by ROCK Krysta Frankowski {shot from close left wing}, Assist by Ava Dossier.
Score: Slippery Rock 7 - Limestone 5
Draw control by ROCK Shannon Von Kaenel.
Foul on LIMESTON Brooke Surace.
06:10 Free position attempt for ROCK.
06:03 Shot by ROCK Abby Fink HIT POST {shot from in the circle}.
05:57 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Emma McCoy.
05:36 Timeout by LIMESTON.
05:06 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
Foul on ROCK Eryn Little.
04:42 Shot by LIMESTON Keira Martin, SAVE Lily Ventresca {free position shot}.
04:42 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Joscelin Martin.
04:42 GOAL by LIMESTON Joscelin Martin {shot from in the circle}.
Score: Slippery Rock 7 - Limestone 6
Draw control by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones.
04:42 Turnover by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones (caused by Leora Owings).
04:42 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
04:13 Shot by ROCK Krysta Frankowski, SAVE Emma McCoy {shot from in the circle}.
04:08 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Micaiah Parks.
04:04 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
03:11 Turnover by LIMESTON Sophie Shortino.
03:05 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
02:36 Shot by ROCK Ava Dossier, SAVE Emma McCoy {shot from top of circle}.
02:29 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
01:20 GOAL by LIMESTON Keira Martin {shot from in the circle}.
Score: Slippery Rock 7 - Limestone 7
Draw control by ROCK Paige Jenkins.
00:59 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
00:17 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Abby Fink.
00:17 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Leora Owings.
00:14 Shot by ROCK Leora Owings WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
00:00 End-of-period.
Time Play
Draw control by LIMESTON Reese Hjertaas.
14:12 Shot by LIMESTON Reese Hjertaas WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
13:49 Shot by LIMESTON Shannon Creagh, SAVE Lily Ventresca {shot from in the circle}.
13:43 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Reese Hjertaas.
13:17 Shot by LIMESTON Reese Hjertaas BLOCKED {shot from in the circle}.
13:06 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones.
Foul on LIMESTON Deirdre Jones.
12:57 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
Foul on ROCK Reagan Richeson.
12:26 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
11:30 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Shannon Creagh.
Yellow card on ROCK Paige Jenkins.
10:18 Turnover by LIMESTON Shannon Creagh (caused by Hailey Ohlsen).
10:10 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Eryn Little.
10:05 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
Foul on LIMESTON Micaiah Parks.
09:58 Free position attempt for ROCK.
09:13 GOAL by ROCK Abby Fink (MAN-DOWN) {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Ava Dossier.
Score: Slippery Rock 8 - Limestone 7
Draw control by ROCK Shannon Von Kaenel.
Foul on LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
08:23 Shot by ROCK Abby Fink, SAVE Emma McCoy {shot from in the circle}.
08:18 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
07:31 Shot by LIMESTON Shannon Creagh, SAVE Lily Ventresca {shot from in the circle}.
07:27 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Evelynn Vissari.
07:13 Shot by LIMESTON Keira Martin HIGH {shot from in the circle}.
06:52 Turnover by LIMESTON Leah Rycroft (caused by Paige Jenkins).
06:47 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Sydney Ulmer.
06:44 Clear attempt by ROCK failed.
06:42 Turnover by ROCK Sydney Ulmer (caused by Leah Rycroft).
06:35 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
06:29 Timeout by LIMESTON.
06:22 GOAL by LIMESTON Keira Martin {shot from in the circle}.
Score: Slippery Rock 8 - Limestone 8
Draw control by LIMESTON Erin Young.
Foul on ROCK Amelia Nitsche.
Yellow card on ROCK Leora Owings.
05:26 GOAL by LIMESTON Reese Hjertaas (MAN-UP) (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.
Score: Slippery Rock 8 - Limestone 9
Draw control by LIMESTON Keira Martin.
05:16 Clear attempt by LIMESTON failed.
05:14 Turnover by LIMESTON Keira Martin (caused by Shannon Von Kaenel).
04:59 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Shannon Von Kaenel.
04:50 Timeout by ROCK.
03:59 Turnover by ROCK Eryn Little (caused by Micaiah Parks).
03:53 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Emma McCoy.
03:49 Clear attempt by LIMESTON failed.
03:43 Turnover by LIMESTON Keira Martin (caused by Grace Rotter).
03:35 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Abby Fink.
Foul on LIMESTON Micaiah Parks.
02:59 GOAL by ROCK Reagan Richeson (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.
Score: Slippery Rock 9 - Limestone 9
Draw control by LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
01:49 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
01:32 Turnover by LIMESTON Deirdre Jones (caused by Amelia Nitsche).
01:28 Ground ball pickup by ROCK Amelia Nitsche.
01:25 Clear attempt by ROCK good.
01:12 Timeout by ROCK.
00:35 Shot by ROCK Abby Fink WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
00:26 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON.
00:00 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
00:00 End-of-period.
Time Play
Draw control by ROCK Leora Owings.
Foul on LIMESTON Leah Rycroft.
04:30 GOAL by ROCK Krysta Frankowski {shot from close left wing}, Assist by Leora Owings.
Score: Slippery Rock 10 - Limestone 9
* OT game winner near right post
04:30 End-of-period.
Score: Slippery Rock 10 - Limestone 9