@ Gaffney, SC (Saints Field )
2/9/2025 at 11:00 AM

SCORING 1 2 3 4 4th - 00:00
Lewis (1-1) 4 1 2 1 8
Limestone (3-0) 2 5 4 8 19
Period: 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th
Time Play
15:00 Caden Donahue at goalie for LEWIS.
15:00 Colin Selters at goalie for LIMESTON.
15:00 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs James Stanton won by LEWIS, [15:00] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Logan Suchy.
14:42 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
13:38 Turnover by LEWIS.
13:31 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
13:13 Turnover by LIMESTON Michael McGarry (caused by Leo Dunlap).
13:03 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Leo Dunlap.
13:00 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
12:57 GOAL by LEWIS Xan Hayes (FIRST GOAL) {shot from close left wing}, Assist by Malikye Good.
Score: Lewis 1 - Limestone 0
12:57 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs James Stanton won by LIMESTON, [12:57] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON James Stanton.
12:37 Turnover by LIMESTON Cayden Onagi.
12:24 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
11:47 Shot by LEWIS Lance McCann BLOCKED {shot from close left wing}.
11:39 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Evan Napolitano.
11:33 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
11:29 Shot by LIMESTON Zachary Terry, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from close left wing}.
11:23 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
10:53 Turnover by LEWIS Dominic Bravata.
10:47 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Joel Mullen.
10:44 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
10:17 Shot by LIMESTON Logan Welch, SAVE Caden Donahue.
10:10 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux.
10:04 Shot by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
09:49 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
09:04 Shot by LEWIS Luke Schroeder WIDE.
08:57 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Xan Hayes.
08:54 Penalty on LIMESTON Matthew Colebrook (OFFSIDE/0:30) Extra-man opportunity.
08:54 GOAL by LEWIS Malikye Good (MAN-UP), Assist by Michael Metheny.
Score: Lewis 2 - Limestone 0
08:54 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs James Stanton won by LIMESTON, [08:54] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON James Stanton.
08:19 GOAL by LIMESTON Carter Korzenski {shot from in the circle}.
Score: Lewis 2 - Limestone 1
08:19 Penalty on LEWIS Henri Marindin (ILLEGAL BODY CHECK/1:00) Extra-man opportunity.
08:19 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs James Stanton won by LEWIS (on faceoff violation).
08:01 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Jaiden Terry.
07:55 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
07:24 Turnover by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux (caused by Logan Suchy).
07:13 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Logan Suchy.
07:04 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
06:44 Shot by LEWIS Dominic Bravata, SAVE Colin Selters.
06:22 Turnover by LIMESTON.
05:43 Turnover by LEWIS Xan Hayes.
05:28 Turnover by LIMESTON Dylan Witt.
05:23 Clear attempt by LIMESTON failed.
05:20 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Caleb Chenault.
05:15 GOAL by LEWIS Malikye Good {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Jackson Marindin.
Score: Lewis 3 - Limestone 1
05:10 Timeout by LIMESTON.
04:48 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Dylan Cox won by LIMESTON, [04:48] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Dylan Cox.
04:46 Turnover by LIMESTON Matthew Burt.
04:39 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Anthony Mattio.
04:35 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
04:18 Shot by LEWIS Michael Metheny WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
04:05 GOAL by LEWIS Luke Schroeder {shot from close left wing}.
Score: Lewis 4 - Limestone 1
04:05 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs Dylan Cox won by LEWIS (on faceoff violation).
03:36 Shot by LEWIS Xan Hayes, SAVE Colin Selters {shot from close left wing}.
03:25 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
03:05 Shot by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from in the circle}.
02:45 Shot by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux HIGH {shot from far left wing}.
02:14 Shot by LIMESTON Michael McGarry WIDE {shot from close left wing}.
02:02 GOAL by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux {shot from in the circle}.
Score: Lewis 4 - Limestone 2
02:02 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs James Stanton won by LEWIS, [02:02] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Domenic Tarello.
01:52 Shot by LEWIS Domenic Tarello, SAVE Colin Selters {shot from in the circle}.
01:43 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
01:26 Shot by LIMESTON Zachary Terry WIDE {shot from top of circle}.
00:54 Shot by LIMESTON Conner Vaughn, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from top of circle}.
00:46 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Logan Welch.
00:36 Shot by LIMESTON Carter Korzenski HIGH {shot from far right wing}.
00:29 Turnover by LIMESTON Cayden Onagi (caused by Tyler Davis).
00:21 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Tyler Davis.
00:18 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
00:04 Shot by LEWIS Dominic Bravata WIDE.
00:01 Turnover by LEWIS Michael Metheny.
00:00 End-of-period.
Time Play
15:00 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs James Stanton won by LIMESTON, [15:00] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON James Stanton.
14:42 Turnover by LIMESTON James Stanton.
14:33 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
13:56 Shot by LEWIS Luke Schroeder, SAVE Colin Selters {shot from in the circle}.
13:50 Penalty on LIMESTON Brandan Buncke (PUSHING/0:30) Extra-man opportunity.
13:19 Turnover by LEWIS Paul Ruskoski (caused by Marco Tantillo).
13:10 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Liam Crouse.
13:05 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
12:33 GOAL by LIMESTON Michael McGarry {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Joel Mullen.
Score: Lewis 4 - Limestone 3
12:33 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs James Stanton won by LIMESTON, [12:33] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON.
11:56 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Zachary Terry.
11:51 Shot by LIMESTON Zachary Terry, SAVE Caden Donahue.
11:43 Clear attempt by LEWIS failed.
11:36 Turnover by LEWIS Michael Trbovich (caused by Austin Lamoureux).
11:23 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Jaiden Terry.
11:17 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
11:07 Shot by LIMESTON Carter Korzenski HIT POST.
09:53 Turnover by LIMESTON Matthew Burt.
10:54 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
10:13 Turnover by LEWIS Nolan Dalep.
10:12 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
09:53 GOAL by LIMESTON Carter Korzenski {shot from close left wing}.
Score: Lewis 4 - Limestone 4
09:53 Timeout by LEWIS.
09:38 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs James Stanton won by LIMESTON, [09:38] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Jack Beachley.
08:45 Shot by LIMESTON Michael McGarry WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
08:34 GOAL by LIMESTON Grant Rodgers {shot from far right wing}, Assist by Austin Lamoureux.
Score: Lewis 4 - Limestone 5
08:34 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs James Stanton won by LEWIS, [08:34] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Leo Dunlap.
08:18 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
08:05 Turnover by LEWIS Dylan Kendrick.
07:58 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Mason Carfello.
07:38 GOAL by LIMESTON Zachary Terry {shot from close left wing}, Assist by Cayden Onagi.
Score: Lewis 4 - Limestone 6
07:38 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs James Stanton won by LEWIS.
06:48 Shot by LEWIS Kevin Blaz HIT POST {shot from close left wing}.
06:41 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
06:33 Turnover by LIMESTON Brady Mercer.
05:39 Shot by LEWIS Dominic Bravata, SAVE Colin Selters.
05:11 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
04:47 Shot by LIMESTON Carter Korzenski BLOCKED {shot from close left wing}.
04:29 Shot by LIMESTON Carter Korzenski, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from in the circle}.
04:20 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Caden Donahue.
04:16 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
03:56 Shot by LEWIS Kevin Blaz WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
03:48 Penalty on LIMESTON Evan Napolitano (PUSHING/0:30) Extra-man opportunity.
03:48 Shot by LEWIS Luke Schroeder WIDE.
03:48 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
03:43 Timeout by LIMESTON.
03:16 Shot by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from close left wing}.
02:53 Shot by LIMESTON Michael McGarry HIGH.
02:42 Shot by LIMESTON Michael McGarry, SAVE Caden Donahue.
02:21 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
02:21 Penalty on LIMESTON Blake Maracle (PUSHING/0:30) Extra-man opportunity.
02:09 GOAL by LEWIS Malikye Good {shot from close right wing}, Assist by Michael Metheny.
Score: Lewis 5 - Limestone 6
02:09 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs James Stanton won by LEWIS (on faceoff violation).
01:46 Turnover by LEWIS Jackson Marindin.
01:46 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
01:44 GOAL by LIMESTON Cayden Onagi, Assist by Kyle Keesee.
Score: Lewis 5 - Limestone 7
01:31 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Dylan Cox won by LEWIS, [01:31] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Domenic Tarello.
01:18 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
01:18 Timeout by LEWIS.
01:09 Shot by LEWIS Michael Metheny WIDE {shot from top of circle}.
00:50 Turnover by LEWIS Luke Schroeder (caused by Joel Mullen).
00:45 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Dylan Witt.
00:38 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
00:26 Shot by LIMESTON Joel Mullen BLOCKED {shot from far left wing}.
00:14 Shot by LIMESTON Conner Vaughn WIDE {shot from top of circle}.
00:10 Shot by LIMESTON Zachary Terry WIDE {shot from far right wing}.
00:00 End-of-period.
Time Play
15:00 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs James Stanton won by LEWIS, [15:00] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Logan Suchy.
14:29 GOAL by LEWIS Xan Hayes {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Dominic Bravata.
Score: Lewis 6 - Limestone 7
14:29 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs Dylan Cox won by LIMESTON.
14:13 Shot by LIMESTON Cayden Onagi HIT POST {shot from in the circle}.
14:01 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Dylan Kendrick.
13:55 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
13:36 Turnover by LEWIS Dylan Kendrick (caused by Ryan Morrison).
13:31 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Ryan Morrison.
13:29 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
13:13 GOAL by LIMESTON Conner Vaughn {shot from in the circle}.
Score: Lewis 6 - Limestone 8
13:13 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Dylan Cox won by LIMESTON, [13:13] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Joel Mullen.
12:31 Shot by LIMESTON Zachary Terry HIGH {shot from top of circle}.
12:23 Shot by LIMESTON Grant Rodgers, SAVE Caden Donahue.
12:12 Shot by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from in the circle}.
12:08 Penalty on LEWIS Tyler Davis (CRCK/1:00) Extra-man opportunity.
11:47 Shot by LIMESTON Grant Rodgers BLOCKED.
11:35 Shot by LIMESTON Zachary Terry WIDE {shot from close right wing}.
11:24 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
10:53 Shot by LEWIS Xan Hayes, SAVE Colin Selters {shot from in the circle}.
10:47 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
10:26 GOAL by LIMESTON Cayden Onagi {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Conner Vaughn.
Score: Lewis 6 - Limestone 9
10:26 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Dylan Cox won by LIMESTON, [10:26] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Liam Crouse.
09:47 GOAL by LIMESTON Conner Vaughn {shot from in the circle}.
Score: Lewis 6 - Limestone 10
09:47 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Dylan Cox won by LEWIS.
08:59 Shot by LEWIS Dominic Bravata, SAVE Colin Selters {shot from in the circle}.
08:46 Turnover by LIMESTON Colin Selters.
08:23 Penalty on LIMESTON Joel Mullen (UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT/3:00) Extra-man opportunity.
08:23 Shot by LEWIS Malikye Good WIDE {shot from in the circle}.
08:22 GOAL by LEWIS Paul Ruskoski (MAN-UP) {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Malikye Good.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 10
08:22 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs James Stanton won by LEWIS (on faceoff violation).
08:01 Turnover by LEWIS Paul Ruskoski.
07:45 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
07:16 Shot by LIMESTON Grant Rodgers, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from close right wing}.
07:02 Clear attempt by LEWIS failed.
06:47 Turnover by LEWIS Zach Buddelmeyer.
06:39 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Jaiden Terry.
06:30 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
06:09 Turnover by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux (caused by Tyler Davis).
06:02 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Tyler Davis.
05:58 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
05:05 Turnover by LEWIS Dominic Bravata (caused by Ryan Morrison).
05:00 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Ryan Morrison.
04:57 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
04:45 Turnover by LIMESTON Cayden Onagi.
04:04 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
03:42 Turnover by LEWIS Kevin Blaz.
03:41 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
03:37 Shot by LIMESTON Liam Crouse, SAVE Caden Donahue.
03:32 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
03:17 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Malikye Good.
03:13 Shot by LEWIS Malikye Good WIDE.
02:55 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
02:29 Timeout by LIMESTON.
02:18 Shot by LIMESTON Carter Korzenski HIGH.
02:08 Shot by LIMESTON Carter Korzenski, SAVE Caden Donahue.
02:03 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux.
01:52 GOAL by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux {shot from close left wing}.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 11
01:52 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Dylan Cox won by LEWIS, [01:52] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Domenic Tarello.
01:41 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Xan Hayes.
01:20 Shot by LEWIS Michael Metheny BLOCKED {shot from far right wing}.
01:08 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
00:11 Shot by LIMESTON Matthew Burt BLOCKED {shot from in the circle}.
00:04 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Tyler Davis.
00:00 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
00:00 Shot by LEWIS Tyler Davis HIGH {shot from in the circle}.
00:00 End-of-period.
Time Play
15:00 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Dylan Cox won by LEWIS, [15:00] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Domenic Tarello.
14:10 Shot by LEWIS Trevor Collier, SAVE Colin Selters {shot from top of circle}.
13:54 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
13:13 Shot by LIMESTON Cayden Onagi, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from close right wing}.
12:47 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
12:39 Turnover by LEWIS Logan Suchy (caused by Austin Lamoureux).
12:17 GOAL by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux {shot from in the circle}.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 12
12:17 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Dylan Cox won by LEWIS, [12:17] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Logan Suchy.
12:17 Turnover by LEWIS Anthony Mattio (caused by Nick Del Grosso).
12:13 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Nick Del Grosso.
12:08 GOAL by LIMESTON Zachary Terry {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Cayden Onagi.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 13
12:08 Officials timeout.
12:08 Faceoff TEAM vs TEAM won by LEWIS.
12:03 Turnover by LEWIS Dominic Bravata.
11:54 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
11:39 GOAL by LIMESTON Mason Carfello {shot from close left wing}, Assist by Conner Vaughn.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 14
11:39 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs Kyler Donahue won by LIMESTON, [11:39] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Nick Del Grosso.
11:22 Turnover by LIMESTON Matthew Colebrook.
11:06 Clear attempt by LEWIS failed.
11:00 Turnover by LEWIS Trevor Collier (caused by Zachary Terry).
10:48 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Ryan Morrison.
10:42 Turnover by LIMESTON Ryan Morrison.
10:24 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
10:20 Shot by LEWIS Xan Hayes, SAVE Colin Selters.
10:13 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
10:09 GOAL by LIMESTON Zachary Terry {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Kyle Keesee.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 15
10:09 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Kyler Donahue won by LEWIS, [10:09] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Logan Suchy.
09:52 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
09:47 Turnover by LEWIS Michael Trbovich (caused by Dylan Witt).
09:41 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Dylan Witt.
09:28 GOAL by LIMESTON Mason Carfello, Assist by Cayden Onagi.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 16
09:26 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs Kyler Donahue won by LIMESTON, [09:26] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Kyler Donahue.
08:51 GOAL by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux {shot from top of circle}, Assist by Cayden Onagi.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 17
08:51 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Kyler Donahue won by LIMESTON, [08:51] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Kyler Donahue.
08:34 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
08:19 Shot by LIMESTON Zachary Terry, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from in the circle}.
07:58 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
07:22 Turnover by LEWIS Malikye Good (caused by Cayden Onagi).
06:54 GOAL by LIMESTON Austin Lamoureux {shot from in the circle}.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 18
06:54 Timeout by LEWIS.
06:54 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs Kyler Donahue won by LIMESTON, [06:54] Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Kyler Donahue.
06:48 Turnover by LIMESTON Kyler Donahue (caused by Logan Suchy).
06:39 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Dylan Kendrick.
06:33 Turnover by LEWIS Logan Suchy.
06:23 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Kyler Donahue.
06:05 Shot by LIMESTON Conner Vaughn, SAVE Caden Donahue {shot from close left wing}.
05:44 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
05:28 Turnover by LEWIS.
05:06 Turnover by LIMESTON Zachary Terry (caused by Leo Dunlap).
05:00 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
04:42 Turnover by LEWIS Michael Metheny (caused by Ben Mcilhargey).
04:19 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
04:10 GOAL by LIMESTON Mason Carfello {shot from in the circle}, Assist by Grant Dupree.
Score: Lewis 7 - Limestone 19
03:57 Faceoff Domenic Tarello vs Kyler Donahue won by LEWIS, [03:57] Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Domenic Tarello.
03:57 Shot by LEWIS Domenic Tarello HIT POST {shot from in the circle}.
03:56 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Koby Higgins.
03:48 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
03:44 Turnover by LIMESTON Connor Stafford (caused by Logan Suchy).
03:44 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Logan Suchy.
03:35 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
03:10 Shot by LEWIS Michael Metheny HIT POST {shot from close right wing}.
03:05 Timeout by LIMESTON.
02:55 Shot by LEWIS Dominic Bravata, SAVE Colin Selters.
02:40 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Xan Hayes.
02:31 Shot by LEWIS Michael Metheny HIGH.
02:30 Cory Lyons at goalie for LIMESTON.
02:29 Shot by LEWIS Paul Ruskoski HIGH.
02:17 Shot by LEWIS Dominic Bravata HIT POST.
02:09 Turnover by LEWIS Dominic Bravata (caused by Koby Higgins).
02:02 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON Koby Higgins.
01:59 Clear attempt by LIMESTON good.
01:55 Shot by LIMESTON Giovanni Zanoni, SAVE Caden Donahue.
01:48 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Henri Marindin.
01:42 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
01:36 Shot by LEWIS Xan Hayes HIGH.
01:26 Turnover by LIMESTON Joshua High.
01:25 Clear attempt by LEWIS good.
00:45 Ground ball pickup by LEWIS Trevor Collier.
00:40 GOAL by LEWIS Trevor Collier {shot from close right wing}.
Score: Lewis 8 - Limestone 19
00:40 Faceoff Dylan Kendrick vs Domenic Smigliani won by LEWIS (on faceoff violation).
00:20 Shot by LEWIS Zach Buddelmeyer, SAVE Cory Lyons {shot from close right wing}.
00:13 Ground ball pickup by LIMESTON RJ Goodman.
00:00 End-of-period.
Score: Lewis 8 - Limestone 19